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Animal Chiropractic

Dr. Paige sees small animals at two locations, both in the East Bay.

To schedule a new or existing patient appointment, please contact these locations directly:

Paws of Pleasanton (925) 380-1888
Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons

Creature Comfort (510) 530-1373
Every other Wednesday morning/afternoon

For all other animal inquiries, scheduling equine appointments – please contact us through our Animal Cell Phone – Call or Text (408) 385-1849

At this time we do not offer online scheduling for animals

Dr. Paige sees both small animals and large animals for all of their chiropractic needs! A graduate of Options For Animals and a member of the IVCA (International Veterinary Chiropractic Association), she cannot wait to help your pet! Chiropractic adjustments for animals is an integrative method that when used in conjunction with good traditional veterinary care, will provide years of happy and healthy living. This is the beginning of a more modern, comprehensive approach to your animal’s healthcare. It is an effective and valuable means of restoring and maintaining their strength, vigor, and well-being. And by exploring and treating the root causes of your animal’s aches, pains, and illnesses, it will ensure maximum improvement, top performance & an exceptional quality of life for the animal companions we love.

Click here for more Animal Chiropractic videos

Animal Adjusting Information:

**Dr. Paige does not currently do house calls**

By Appointment Only

paws-of-pleasantonPaws of Pleasanton Animal Hospital – East Bay
3128 Santa Rita Road, Suite B Pleasanton, CA 94566
Tuesdays 8am – 12pm
Fridays 1pm – 6pm
Please call 925-380-1888 to schedule

Creature ComfortCreature Comfort – Oakland
2501 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94602
Every other Wednesday 8:30am-1pm
Please call 510-530-1373 to schedule

*According to California law, as a new patient, your small animal will need to have a wellness visit with a veterinarian at the location that Dr. Paige provides chiropractic services before the initial chiropractic visit. We try to make this as easy as possible by scheduling the appointments on the same day, one after the other.

Petworks Best of 2021

We have been selected as a Best of Petworks 2021 Winner! This award has been given to those who have gone above and beyond in their service to pets and pet parents using the Petworks platform.

Dr. Paige was featured in a PetMD Article:

When to See a Dog Chiropractor and What They Can Do

Dogs often benefit from alternative therapies like massage, homeopathy, calming flower essences like the popular Rescue Remedy drops, acupuncture and chiropractic. Read more >>




We see all horses, from premier race horses, competition athletes, show horses to your favorite riding pet in a large radius. If you’re a new patient to Dr. Paige, we must have clearance from the primary treating veterinarian prior to chiropractic care.

What to Expect

Little cute dogAccording to California law, your small animal will need to have a wellness visit with a veterinarian at the location that Dr. Paige provides chiropractic services before the initial chiropractic visit. We try to make this as easy as possible by scheduling the appointments on the same day, one after the other.

*For horses, we will need to contact your veterinarian for approval before the initial visit, it is best to provide us with your veterinarian’s cell phone number.

We recommend you have your intake forms filled out before the appointment to expedite the process. These forms can be downloaded from our website.

The initial visit includes

  • An examination
  • Spinal adjustment
  • Muscle work
  • Cold laser therapy

Dr. Paige may also give you some exercises to do with your pet to assist in a speedy recovery if needed.

Charlie on the beach

On the second visit, Dr. Paige assesses the progress that was made from the initial visit. She may ask you questions to see how well your pet responded to treatment. All ongoing visits will include spinal adjustment, muscle work, and cold laser therapy.

Big and little dog on beach


Equine Forms

Cat/Dog – Pleasanton

Dog and Cat – Pleasanton

If you do not have access to a computer, please let us know and a paper copy will be available for you to fill out at your initial visit. Thank you for visiting our site. We look forward to meeting you in person and helping your pet!

Dr. Paige adjusting and examining different animals – THEY LOVE CHIROPRACTIC CARE!

Patient Testimonials

Peggy Sue

We saw significant improvement!

I was skeptical that an adjustment would help Peggy Sue, our foster dog, with hip dysplasia. But by the next day we saw significant improvement in her hind legs! We planned to return for another visit, but she ended up getting adopted. We referred her new parents to Dr. Paige.

Now we’ll be bringing in our own dog with a history of back problems.

– Vallerie Smith

We are Very Impressed and Thankful

Everyone was great! Dr. Paige made a huge difference in our dog’s quality of life. When we brought him in he could barely walk let alone stand on his own. Within a few days after his first adjustment we saw a huge turn around. He’s almost back to normal. He’s walking again and looks like life was put back into him! We are VERY impressed and thankful!

– Jax (Danielle) L.


She’s back to chasing squirrels

Our favorite ball of fluff turned 9 years old tbis year and she was acting like a much older dog. She was having a hard time coming up the stairs at the end of the day. And her most favorite thing in all the world, her walks, were becoming a real challenge for her. It was really sad to watch. So we set out to find an animal chiropractor. We’ve only had about 4-5 visits with Dr. Paige and she is already doing so much better! She’s back to chasing squirrels on her walks. She feels so much better.

Also, another thing of note, Nyla, our dog, is shy and doesn’t like to be touched by strangers. From day one, Nyla trusted Dr. Paige. I like how Dr. Paige handles animals in a non-invasive manner that earns their trust and in the process, ours as well.

Charlie’s Story of No More Hind Limp!

CharlieWe can’t thank you enough for the care you have given our 12-year old miniature schnauzer, Charlie, over this past month+. Prior to visiting you we had taken Charlie to a veterinarian who right away wanted to start Charlie on pain medication which we felt we wanted to avoid if possible so we reached out to you for advice. In early August we asked if you could see Charlie because he had gone from being a joyful walker to noticing he was limping and not applying any weight on his right-rear leg.

You recommended we start him on a particular type of glucosamine and wanted to see him. After his initial adjustment and starting your recommended exercises to strengthen his hip and leg muscles he demonstrated improvement of his leg and hindquarter. That continued for about five days and we noticed his limp was returning. You recommended bringing him in again for a couple more weekly adjustments and suggested fine tuning his glucosamine dosage a bit. Now, after just two more adjustments and targeted exercises with glucosamine it has been two weeks and Charlie is his old self, walking like a champ and once again able to jump up to his spot on the couch
without any assistance. And we’re so thankful we don’t need to introduce a prescription painkiller to his daily diet.

Your love for animals showed very clearly from day one and we can’t thank you enough for what you have done for our Charlie. After personally experience the benefit of chiropractic adjustment over the past nearly 70 years I now know that the benefit of those adjustments hold true for our beloved four-legged friends as well.

– Charlie

Life changing treatment

RileyRileyOur Lab, Riley, has always been an active dog, but before his 10th birthday he started slowing down, and we were told he had arthritis. Being the anxious dog mom I am, I made sure he had the medication he needed, put dog stairs and ramps all around the house, and constantly monitored him to make sure his pain was controlled and minimized.

Still, he continued to decline, until he struggled to get out of his bed without his legs splaying out under him, and he couldn’t stand towards the end of the day without booties to give him extra traction (he was not a fan!). His medication schedule went from two gabapentin per day, to six gabapentin and one carprofen per day(!), and he would sometimes drool for hours (our vet never could find the reason, and I suspected it was from the pain). It wasn’t until nearly a year later that we found out that he actually has degenerative disc disease – and as luck would have it, I was diagnosed with DDD that same week, and was referred to a chiropractor. A lightbulb went off – maybe a chiropractor could help Riley, too? My research led me to Dr. Paige, and soon we were off to our first appointment.

I was beyond impressed with our appointment. Dr. Paige is incredibly thorough, really digging into Riley’s medical history with thoughtful questions. Riley absolutely adored her, and was a good sport for the adjustment. She told us that Riley would likely be a bit sore that evening, and we ended up making a follow up appointment a month out.

The next morning, I woke up and held my breath as I listened for Riley to get out of bed. One, two, three, four feet hit the ground, steady and sure. No tumbling out of bed, no scrambling as his legs splayed out. I honestly could have cried! But Riley wasn’t done showing off, and by the end of the day it was obvious I had my old Riley back. He plays with our 2 year old dog and wears her out, he’s back to his 1 mile walks, and he now acts affronted when I put the stairs next to the couch, preferring to test if I’m watching so he can jump over them! He’s even started busting out some dance moves during mealtime, something he’s never done before and I can only interpret as pure joy from feeling so much better! His medication has been weaned down to one gabapentin per day, or as needed, a significant change from where we started a few months ago, and he hasn’t had a single drooling episode since his first visit.

Our dogs mean the world to us, so finding Dr. Paige was an absolute godsend. She gave our baby his quality of life back, and it makes my heart so happy to see the changes in him. I can’t thank Dr. Paige enough!!!

– Riley

A Truly Gifted Healer

OdinOdin my sweet Great Dane was happy and athletic until he suffered a bad reaction to a vaccine which left him in spinal pain, swelling in his ankles, feet and neck. Odin`s pain had become so great that he started grunting and shivering in pain when he would lay down. He looked so unhappy. He spent most of his time laying down. He was also having trouble walking. Then we got lucky and found Dr. Paige. Dr. Paige was able to establish a positive connection with Odin and quickly won his trust. Dr. Paige then gave Odin a Chiropractic adjustment combined with Low Laser Light Therapy and it was solid gold! Odin`s body pain has been significantly reduced, and, as a result, he is so much happier during TV time and more playful. He is even beginning to walk better. I highly recommend Dr. Paige because she is a truly gifted healer and Doctor of Chiropractic care and her treatments bring amazing results.

˜ Odin

A Phenomenal Experience

DougalDougal is our super actvie 3 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He competes in a bunch of canine sports and activities, so keeping him happy, healthy, and feeling good is very important to us, so we sought out to see how chiropractic care might help. We have been seeing Dr. Paige for over a year now, and she has helped Dougal with just about everything we can think of from head to toe, to regular maintenance and injuries. She can really find his every ache and pain! He gets so excited for his appointments, and happily leans into Dr. Paige’s hands during the adjustments and laser therapy sessions. We have seen both immediate and long term positive impacts on his wellbeing physically, behaviorally, and in all-around quality of life.

Bringing Dougal to Dr. Paige and chiropractic care has been a phenomenale xperience, and is one we highly recommend! Thank you Dr. Paige!

˜ Dougal


We Are so Happy with the Results

Posy is our well-loved 9-yr-old Boston Terrier. She has always been super active, crazy active! About 6 years ago we noticed some occasional tremors in 1 leg. Our previous vet took an x-ray that showed some malformed vertebra that was likely pressing on nerves. The trembling was getting worse over time. The recommendation was to limit her activity and medicate with anti-inflammatory meds as needed. She stopped running, playing and became a grumpy gal. Most days one or two legs would shake and by evening all 4 legs trembled. Two months ago we meet Dr. Paige and boom she is a new pup! She rarely shakes and her behavior is back to sassy and loving. She chases the other dogs again instead of playing yard duty when they run, she jumps right in with the gang! We are so happy with the results of adjustments, laser treatments, and home exercises. Thanks Dr. Paige!


Once Again Able to Climb Stairs

I started seeing Dr. Paige for my 15 1/2 year old Cocker Spaniel, Milo, who was having trouble with his hind end. His legs would splay out and he would not be able to get up without assistance. After 2 visits with Dr. Paige, and dedicated time to the exercises she recommended, he is solidly on his feet!

He is once again able to climb stairs independently (I’m by his side just in case) and has even jumped into the car without assistance after our visit with her. He is DEFINITELY IMPROVED after seeing Dr. Paige! I highly recommend seeing Dr. Paige for chiropractic care!

Beyond Happy That We Found This Place

MauiMauiMy Maui is a 12-year-old tabby cat that has now been treated by Dr. Paige, the chiropractor at Paws of Pleasanton, three times (4th apt. already booked), and each time she goes she’s calm and seems to even enjoy her adjustment; almost like she is relieved to be there. But the most shocking part for me is afterward when she’s home, I notice a significant difference in the way she walks. Prior to her chiropractic care, she had somewhat of a limp in her front leg due to arthritis in her shoulders; I now notice when she gets home after an adjustment, her limp is much less intense or even almost gone. She even seems to be a lot more active; just moving around a lot more, she jumps from counter to table (which I try to avoid her doing), to even jumping to the top of a very high shelf (when I wasn’t looking) picture below.

MauiMauiA little over a month ago there is no way I could even fathom Maui would have been able to do that without the care of Dr. Paige and the Paws of Pleasanton team. The all-around care Maui has received from both Dr. Paige and Dr. Bloomberg has been substantial in her improvement and mobility.

Maui and I are beyond happy that we found this place, and are very hopeful for even more improvement in the future! We know we are in the best hands!

Dr. Paige is Pawsitively Awesome!

McGrawMcGrawMy little pup, McGraw, is an 8.5 year old pug. He is an exuberant, happy go lucky guy who loves to run and play ball. He’s slowed down a bit as he’s gotten older, but I became concerned when it seemed like he might be in pain. After lying down for awhile, he would be very stiff in getting up. On our walks, sometimes he would drag his hind legs behind him, and he seemed like he had less energy overall. The vet diagnosed him with arthritis in his lower spine. It was then that a friend suggested we look into finding an animal chiropractor. I had no idea that animals could get adjustments!

I am so grateful for the referral I received to Dr. Paige. From the very first visit, McGraw found relief (as well as a new friend). Dr. Paige was wonderful with him. She provided an adjustment as well as cold laser therapy, and McGraw responded really well to the treatment. He’s now had several sessions, and I’m happy to report how much better he is doing! He is able to get up with ease after he’s been lying down. He has also built up a lot of strength in his hind legs (thanks to the physical therapy exercises Dr. Paige taught us), and he no longer drags his hind legs when he walks. And his playful energy has returned! I was afraid that McGraw’s diagnosis meant his condition and well-being would continue to deteriorate, which broke my heart. I am so relieved to see this turnaround and am deeply grateful to Dr. Paige for the work she does. Many thanks!

BuddyWe Look Forward to Regular Visits

Buddy is an 8-year-old Shar-Pei/Pug mix who loves to play fetch and take naps in the sun. As he has aged, he experienced trouble walking and comfortably laying down due to a back issue. After two visits with Dr. Paige, we instantly saw a change in him. He enjoyed stretching more, he started rolling over for belly rubs, and he was more playful and relaxed than ever.

Dr. Paige was also an instant friend to Buddy. He tends to be a reserved dog who takes a while to warm up to people. However, she quickly won his trust (plus, we found a new brand of treats for our picky eater!). We look forward to regular visits and hope Buddy will continue on a good path toward recovery!

Caring, Friendly, and Extremely Knowledgeable

DaisyDaisyLast month our dog Daisy was acting off. She was in pain, crying, and had difficulty moving. We tried to get into our regular vet but they did not have any appointments available and would not accommodate us even though she was in pain. I had seen Paws of Pleasanton on Facebook for a few months and decided to check out their website and read the bios of all of the doctors and staff. I then immediately called their office to see if they could get Daisy in. They were able to fit us in that day.

When Dr. Melissa Hardy said it could be IVDD we were very worried. Dr. Hardy immediately put our minds at ease saying there were many different options for treatment to talk about before surgery would be considered.

DaisyDaisyAfter a thorough exam, she recommended a course of medications, crate rest, and Chiropractic treatments. We were then introduced to Dr. Jessica Paige. Dr. Paige is a human and animal Chiropractor. Dr. Paige recommended spinal adjustments and Cold Laser Therapy treatments over the course of several weeks. Once Daisy was off her pain medications, Dr. Paige introduced a series of physical therapy exercises to strengthen her core and back areas. We had no idea these types of treatments were available for dogs. After a few weeks of adjustments, Cold Laser Therapy treatments and exercises our girl is back to her old self, happily playing, doing zoomies, and enjoying life again.

Drs. Hardy and Paige are fantastic. They are caring, friendly, and extremely knowledgeable and professional. Daisy loved visiting the office and had no anxiety about her visits or treatments. The front office and technician staff is top-notch and everyone has a genuine “we really care” attitude. We are now in the process of moving all of our dogs to Paws of Pleasanton Animal Hospital and I can only ask myself why we didn’t do this sooner.

Intuitive, Gentle, and Committed to Helping our Animals

OscarOscarMy older dog Oscar is almost 10 years old and recently injured himself when he crashed into some wooden steps. His limping was bad enough that I made an appointment with Dr. Paige, who was highly recommended to me. She knew exactly where his discomfort was, made the necessary adjustments and since then, he has not limped at all. Although our visit was primarily for Oscar, I wanted my younger dog Seymour to get checked out too, and it turns out his spine was more out of whack then his older brother’s. He suffers from chronic ear and anal skin issues, and Dr. Paige immediately noticed the intense heat emanating from his lower back.

After adjusting him, I’ve noticed that his skin is so much cooler to the touch, and there has been less inflammation overall. Skin problems are so difficult to fix in dogs, but I’m hoping that chiropractic will help keep the blood and energy flowing through his body. The week before our last visit, we were out walking when Seymour started lunging at two, large aggressive dogs. I yanked his harness hard in order to avoid a disaster, and consequently, he began having problems walking up stairs. Dr. Paige adjusted him, and when we got home, he raced up the stairs as if nothing had happened!

I think as humans, we often don’t realize that our pets have the same aches and pains as we do, especially because they can’t express their discomfort until it physically manifests. Dr. Paige is incredibly intuitive, gentle, and committed to helping our animals.

Thanks again!!

Finally Getting Relief

Lou DogLou Dog is a 14-year-old shepherd mix with a litany of health issues including a heart murmur and kidney disease. Fortunately, these ailments have been well controlled with medication and lifestyle adjustments. However, I recently noticed some neurological symptoms that seemed to be affecting his mobility. He was having difficulty jumping on the bed (after all he is 14!), was generally less mobile, and occasionally tripping on his back feet. Lou Dog’s vet said that he was an excellent candidate for chiropractic care, so we set up an appointment with Dr. Paige.

Lou Dog is naturally a nervous Nelly, and his first visit was stressful for him. Dr. Paige was so kind and caring, moving slowly to allow him to adjust to this new hands-on treatment. She examined him, gave him some pinpointed massage, and applied laser treatment as well. Lou Dog left this visit tired and a bit sore, but within a day, he seemed slightly more mobile.

Lou Dog was less stressed and more tolerant for his second visit, and without a doubt, he was moving better afterward. This gave us such hope that he was finally getting relief from some of his chronic pain that he had just shouldered quietly for so long.

This last week was his 3rd visit, and he was very tolerant of the treatment. It took less than half the time of the first visit as he had an understanding of the routine. Whereas normally he would be worn out and resting the remainder of the day after the appointment, on this day he was energized! He was zooming around the house (a behavior we haven’t seen much of in the last 6 months) and flinging his toys around. He was smiling and clearly felt really good. Each day since then has shown us that he is truly feeling relief.

It’s been so joyful to watch Lou begin to feel better and to recognize that the treatment is helpful to him. Dr. Paige has such a great touch with dogs. Her patience and calm demeanor are so important to the experience as well. With a 14-year-old pup, every day is a blessing, and I am so thrilled to help provide him with as many pain-free days as possible. Thank you, Dr. Paige!

Dr. Paige is a godsend!

This is my 11 yr old Audrey Rose, you can’t tell from her before video, but she has always been energetic, strong and agile. It was very heartbreaking to see her suddenly and quickly lose her mobility. It started with a small limp so we took her to the vet who prescribed pain and anti inflammatory drugs for a sprain, but there was no improvement.

Soon she was struggling to walk so we sought out a second opinion and received the same diagnosis and similar but stronger prescriptions. By now Audrey’s paws were dragging and getting scraped up, she could not walk very long without giving in to a slow collapse. It got to the point where we had to use a lift harness to help her get out and relieve herself. Audrey was continuing to decline, she could no longer go on walks and was not wanting to interact much. She was moping and looked depressed. We saw one more vet who suggested a very expensive but quick answer MRI and surgery. My husband and I felt it was too invasive and expensive at $10k and decided to treat Audrey with chiropractic. And we are so happy we did! With each visit to Dr. Paige we could see measurable improvement. After just a few visits Audrey is walking, able to relieve herself without assistance, go up and down stairs and even running again!

We are so grateful to you Dr Paige! You helped bring the quality of life back to our Audrey Rose and bring the twinkle back in her eyes. We will continue treatments for maintenance and will recommend Dr. Paige for all our fur friends and family.



Hi, my name is Desi. My mate Lucy and I adopted my mama Cathy eight years ago. I am a three-year cancer survivor and have a heart murmur too. Boys do tell their ages and the vet said I am anywhere from age 11 to 13 years young. My mate Lucy passed away but mama adopted a frisky Chihuahua name Cher for me to perk up.

Well, I was pretty perky until in November 2019 I hurt my back. I could not walk.

My mama looked on doctor Jessica Paige’s website and was impressed with her skills. Dr. Paige adjusted my spine and I just loved her working with me. I would back right into her hands for that adjustment.

I am walking again and go for short walks about 10 houses total two times a day.

I sun myself and play with Cher again.

Thank you, Dr. Paige, for fixing me
- Desi

Desi and Cher

Holly testimonial imageSo thankful to have met Dr. Paige. My dog (dachshund) was dragging her back legs all of a sudden and could not control her bladder or bowels. After seeing the vet that Dr. Paige works with for clearance of treatment, we had our first adjustment in conjunction with treatment for her sudden spinal infection and UTI. Within two chiropractic adjustments the first week, my dog was using her feet to get in and out of her kennel. Within 2 weeks she was starting to use her feet more and walking a little. As her infection healed and with chiropractic treatments spaced out, we saw great improvement. Without the chiropractic treatments I do not think she would have gained mobility nor would her medication have been as quick to work on her spine. Today my dog runs, jumps, and goes on walks. You would have never known we were in a place of euthanasia or treatment for a spinal problem which we could not afford to operate on. I am thankful to Dr. Paige and the clinic she works with. It has been almost a year since the incident occurred and we see Dr. Paige every 2 months for a tune-up. Afterward, my dog is relaxed and truly does feel better. I see it in her walk and disposition. I cannot recommend Dr. Paige enough for the treatment of your animals. She is a wonderful human being born to do this type of work. Give it a chance, your pets will thank you
- Holly

Dr. Paige is amazing! Our 10 year old girl had been suffering for three weeks with a pinched nerve in her neck and mid-back. Two Vets prescribed heavy pain medication that kept her drugged with minimal pain relief and with no quality of life. We had the conversation that if Dr. Paige could not help her, we would let her go. We saw significant results after the first adjustment and it keeps getting better. Now after four adjustments, she is her usual happy self, walking, rolling on the grass and enjoying life once again and NO medications! Follow up visits will keep her healthy. Thank you Dr. Paige, you saved our girl! We can never repay you for the good work you did for our Penny.



Juniper is a one-year old American Cocker Spaniel. She’s a show dog who trains in obedience and agility for competition. Juniper is a “Go for it” girl and when she was young her owner noticed a tightness in the center of her back. This may have been an injury from one of Juniper’s acrobat jumps or playing with the big dogs. Despite giving simple massage, the tightness would not go away. One could visibly see a bump in her back causing her top line to appear roach. Additionally, Juniper’s owner noticed that Juniper could not sit straight which is important in obedience. As a one-year old, Juniper still sat in a slouch, puppy sit and almost always with her hips to one side. Since starting treatment just a couple of months ago, the tightness in Juniper’s back is gone. The area is no longer warm with inflammation. Juniper can now sit straight! Juniper had tightness in opposite shoulder and hip creating her crooked sit. The adjustments from Dr. Paige have allowed for more equal movement on both sides. In addition to “fixing” these initial issues, Juniper now has more flow to her movement and better reach with her strides in the show ring. Juniper has had two big wins in the show ring because when “you feel good, you show that in your confidence” even if you’re a dog.

Best of Winners and Best of Variety

My cat Nube-La was diagnosed with an inner ear disease that almost took her life earlier this year. She could hardly walk, she stumbled and fell constantly. She couldn’t control her head and finally she had a seizure in my garden. The doctors wanted her to have an MRI to look for a possible brain damage. Their hopes were not high for her survival. I tried the holistic route which is always my first choice. After a series of treatments with Dr. Jessica Paige, all these symptoms changed for the better. Nube-La slowly turned around…she eats, walks and behaves normally. When she shows me she needs help I take her to Dr Paige for her quarterly adjustment. Even though, at age 11 she was left with a hearing impairment, I can say she has a normal life, in good health and enjoying the garden…only when she reluctantly leaves her heating mat behind. I’d recommend Dr Paige to anyone whose animal friend needs support to heal. Her skills, her intuition and her compassionate heart make healing miracles possible. Nube-La and I are deeply grateful to Dr. Paige.

I have an Arabian mare. She has been with me for 9 years, and if there is a smarter, cooperative, and spirited horse, I haven’t met her. Unfortunately, she injured herself last March. About 6 weeks ago, I started working with Dr. Jessica Paige, who is an experienced Chiropractor with animals and humans. To say it is a remarkable delight to be my sweet mare running around with other horses, trotting, cantering and galloping for the first time in 7 months is an understatement. It was a dream come true.

-Lori G.

Ellie and Her Owner

Ellie’s Story

Ellie came to me and had lost complete function of her back legs. Through conservative management (chiropractic and laser,) look how great she is doing! Full function of her hind end and most importantly a return to being herself.

Rocky Horror – Chiropractic Helping Surgical Recovery

Photo of animal patient, Rocky Horror
Photo of animal patient, Rocky Horror

I worked at a veterinary hospital in San Jose that would take surrendered animals if we felt we could find a new home for them. One day, a young woman brought in a 10 week old kitten. This kitten was so frightened it would barely move and had fear ridden eyes everyone could notice. The young women stated she found her dog in the yard chewing on what she thought was a toy, only to realize it was this kitten. During examination, it was obvious the kitten did not move because her right rear leg was completely broken at the femur with punctures in her thigh. Read more

Our hospital recognized the young women as a good samaritan and allowed her to surrender the kitten to our care. That day, we offered the kitten food, water, and a warm kennel in our treatment area. The broken leg was confirmed with x-rays and we were happy to know nothing else was broken. We immediately managed her pain and then scheduled her for a voluntary surgery by two of our veterinarians the following day. After her amputation, I monitored the kitten closely for a week hoping she would walk on her own. She continued to show so much fear in her eyes, even when I would check on her, her incisions and wounds, or change her bedding and offer food. She never moved more than walking with her front legs and barely used her rear foot to push her rear end. We worried she had nerve damage to her left rear leg, especially with punctured wounds also found in her left thigh. Because she spent so much time in hiding, I offered to take her home to give her a warm, quiet place to heal and help rehabilitate her if she allowed. Our hospital was happy to have the kitten stay with me for a bit. The day I took her home became one of the most important days of my life. The ballots of the presidential election of 2016 were being counted while I had the kitten by my right hiding in a blanket with only her face exposed. She looked scared but, for the first time, safe. As my own cat, Rasa Libre, and I kept an eye on her, I could not help but hear the announcement of the presidential election. The moment the president was announced, I was about to evaluate how I felt until I looked over to the kitten and noticed her giving a comfortable squint and sigh after Rasa Libre gave her a sniff and quick face groom. At that moment, I promised to the kitten out loud that I would give her a world of love and compassion. My fiancè, Albert, was also in support of the care for our new kitten, whom we named Rocky Horror to celebrate her unique appearance (grey and white pattern, additional toe to each foot to resemble a human-like paws, and now three legs) and beautiful personality (tramatizeed yet brave, scared yet loving and gentle, physically painful yet always seeked emotional comfort). For the last year and a half, Albert, Rasa Libre, and I have helped Rocky Horror experience love, trust, and healing. She compensated with her back, shoulders, and left hock to walk and run. It was known that Rasa Libre was her emotional support as Rocky Horror ran to her and followed her everywhere. I spent many late nights, even until this day, hanging out with Rocky Horror as it is her favorite time to open up and be silly and play. She was very fearful of everyone and everything else. Albert spent many days learning to adjust in ways that were sensitive towards Rocky Horror. Friends of ours would visit socialize with Rocky Horror using Rasa Libre as an example. On March 2017, I came home from work to find Rocky Horror hiding. She has never hid from me but I found her hiding under the bed. She was initially reluctant to come out but eventually did when realizing it was me calling her. She slowly, and painfully, pulled herself toward me while dragging her remaining rear leg and gave a low cry. It was so painful for me to see and I was confused to what may have happened. I woke Albert who said she seemed to walk normal just before he went to bed. A trip right back to work with Rocky Horror showed a left hip with a slipped capital femoral epiphysis and a pair of fused vertebrates. She was scheduled for a femoral head ostectomy soon after. It was traumatizing for Rocky Horror on what seemed to be another scary experience of pain leading to surgical pain, and a week stay in a different hospital. Rocky Horror received treatments from her doctor at the hospital and home rehabilitative care with passive range of motion and teaching her how to walk again. Due to her fused spine and anticipated healing, I elected her be seen by a chiropractor. Dr. Paige just happened to start receiving appointments at the hospital and I had no hesitation for her to meet Rocky Horror. Since the surgery, hospital laser therapy, home rehabilitation and chiropractic appointments with Dr. Paige, Rocky Horror has gained so much strength and confidence that I do not recognize her at times. She contently receives her spinal adjustments. She loves to look out the window, whether going to appointments or hanging out at home.